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Voting VEGGIE, & Why It Matters

Photo: PETA

Voting Veggie, & Why It Matters

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First, full disclaimer. I don't normally like to make my blog political, so I'm not going to get into any "super" specifics, or endorse a particular candidate (even one not mentioned in this blog). The purpose of this post, is to highlight two candidates who believe, and live within a plant based reality. It's no small feat to even have a shot at the most powerful position in the world, becoming the next President of the U.S.A.  Just being in the race is a sign of how America's mentalities has changed toward those who have broken from the traditional diet of our gluttonous nation.
Tulsi Gabbard (Presidential Candidate) - Vegetarian
How to Vote

Think of the world we would live in, if we had one of these candidates become President? Put all the other issues to the side, just for the sake of this conversation, right here, right now. Tulsi Gabbard, Hawaii & Cory Booker, Delaware both want to end government subsidies to Big Agriculture; who've made a fortune off these big breaks, lobbied congress to the extent, that they decide, not independent researchers, what is a healthy diet, and of course the exploitation of animals/destruction of our environment. Think about it, animal agriculture is the DE FACTO #1 reason, for deforestation worldwide. Rainforests aren't getting cut down to build homes, to make room for new towns and cities. They are being destroyed, to make room for new farmland for animal agriculture. As the world's population continues to grow, it's apparent to everyone the traditional western diet is completely unsustainable. These two candidates running for President in the 2020 election, want to change that. No one else wants to address the most effective response we have to climate change.
Cory Booker (Presidential Candidate) - Vegan           

Climate change for me is one of the most important issues going into this election. As I said above, I'm not endorsing a candidate on my blog, and no-one is perfect; but we have to put the well being of our planet and our fellow citizens above market interests. And another disclaimer, perhaps their are candidates in the race that will do wonders on combating climate change, but will they fight to end animal suffering? I think not, I think Cory Booker or Tulsi Gabbard is our best shot at a compassionate GREEN nation.

Check out an older post of mine on how to save the world by going Vegan

 I'd love to hear what you have to say, and please feel free to subscribe to my blog to see future posts. 

My post is superficial on purpose, as I don't want to invite a debate on who's better or who isn't. But I would encourage each and every one of you that will be voting, to take a look at each candidates position and VOTE who you thinks best represents the Veggie vote! 

You may have seen a whole lot of buzz about these candidates on our nations leading political networks; MSNBC, CNN or Fox News. But for your convenience I've given you a link to their campaign websites so that you can read of them directly. 


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