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9 Numbers That Will Teach You All You Need To Know About The Amazon Fires

Photo Credit: PBS NewsHour

Hi Everyone, by now we have all learned about the devastating fires in the Amazon are having. Normally I only publish something I've organically written, and I wanted to write about this issue so very much. I tried many times to formulate something, but alas PBS did what That Witty Vegan could not do, and simplified the crisis in a way we can all come to terms with the facts. Please read below the:

9 numbers you need to know to understand the Amazon fires

 - by Vicky Stein (Author)
Much of this article is a shortened summary of a much longer article from PBS, and thus has its source from the PBS NEWS Hour article. You can visit it directly here:


The number of fires in the Brazilian Amazon region so far in 2019, reported by the Brazilian National Institute for Space Research as of Monday, August 26 at 4 p.m. ET. 
This number is smaller than some reports — that claim more than 80,000 fires have been burning since January — because it only refers to hot spots located by satellite in the AmazĂ´nia Legal (Legal Amazon) region of Brazil.


The number of countries that contain part of the Amazon rainforest. They are Brazil, Peru, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Guyana, Suriname and French Guiana.

60 percent

The approximate amount of the Amazon rainforest in Brazil alone. That’s why Brazil’s Amazon region is of major international concern. However, Bolivia is also fighting fires and increased deforestation in its portion of the Amazon.

$20 million

The amount that G-7 countries, which collectively have a GDP of nearly 34 trillion, have pledged to fight fires in nations that are home to parts of the Amazon rainforest. For comparison, G-7 nations spent approximately twice as much — $40 million — on the current summit in Biarritz.

$60 million

The amount Germany and Norway had planned to donate to the Amazon Fund, a UN REDD+ initiative meant to fuel money from wealthy nations to fund sustainability projects in Brazil. After the Bolsonaro government unilaterally changed the fund’s structure and shut down its steering committee this year, both countries suspended their contributions.


The number of troops that the Brazilian government has pledged to send to help fight the fires

6 percent

The highest possible estimate for how much of the planet’s oxygen comes from the Amazon rainforest. There are plenty of other reasons to worry about the Amazon, but oxygen isn't one of them.

1 in 10

The proportion of all known species on the planet that live in the Amazon. So far, researchers have described 40,000 species of plants, 3,000 species of fish and more than 1,000 species of birds that live in the forest. Some scientists estimate that Brazil is likely home to a total of nearly 2 million species of invertebrates, plants, fish, birds, mammals, amphibians and reptiles.


The number of indigenous groups that live in the Amazon and depend on the forest and rivers for food and shelter.

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