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My new blog and its grand mission

Hey guys,

I've decided that I wanted to create a new blog, one that highlights the Vegan movement,  as well as some personal interests of mine (traveling, books, and adventures), and hopefully some downright enjoyable content. As this is my first post as That Witty Vegan, I feel it necessary to share a little about myself, so that you get to know me a little better. I've been a Vegan for a year now, and my story like so many of you, left me compelled to take my activism now to a whole new level.

Before I was a Vegan, I grew up down south on a beef farm. Most of my adolescent life was around animals, taking care of them, general farming and etc. I grew up with firsthand experience when it comes to raising animals (cattle) for slaughter. Fastword to a year ago, I after one bad health experience too many, decided to give Vegan a try. When I first started, I'll admit it was 100% health motivated, which is fantastic, because there is nothing healthier than a whole food plant-based diet. Science has settled that. But as time went on, as I grew more educated with my new lifestyle choice, I came to see animals in a completely different light. I never enjoyed hurting them or helping load them on to big trailers that were going to take them to a slaughterhouse, and I detested hunting (hated killing) but I like most people felt it to be just the way things were and ate animal products without a second thought...God's infamous intentions for mankind's supper. I plan to tear apart that frame of thinking with this blog.

I really hope you guys like it, and I'm sure it will take some time to turn this blog into the vision I have for it. So please leave any comments, concerns, and encouragements are certainly appreciated. Together let's change the world for the better.

Please subscribe if you think you'll like going on this adventure with me and helping to add another voice to saving animals.

That Witty Vegan



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