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Starbucks plus Vegan equals Culinary Revolution

Hey Guys, l hope you're having an awesome Friday. I don't have too much to talk about today, but I did have some pretty cool news some of you might have already read about. Starbucks recently announced they were increasing their plant-based product line to keep up with the demand of well, all us sensible and compassionate vegans. I have always loved Starbucks, with my go-to Grande Soy Vanilla Latte (That makes me thirsty just thinking about it), so this move makes this particular guy right here pretty darn happy.  Now we've seen a lot of buzz with major chains lately, Mcdonalds in the Baltic region experimenting with Vegan burgers, A&W planning on having plant-based entrees in the near future and etc. So it should be of no surprise that Starbucks has caught on, and it's just another step toward a healthier, cruelty-free world!

Photo: (Dream Pops)
One of the things Starbucks has launched in the LA market is Vegan 'Superfood' Chocolate And Fruit Popsicles which will run until October, or longer if popularity is up. So all my LA peeps need to get out and do your part in the good fight for a healthier planet; like buying a popsicle and cooling off in this crazy heat lol. Sometimes it all works out nicely. 

I'll be the first to admit that Starbucks is the only chain I really ever visit, and that's because of its convenience (2 min walk from my apartment). I don't know that much about what you can get at other places, so feel free to comment and let us all know what your favorite options are when you're in a bind and have to hit up a big chain restaurant.

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Thank you so much for reading,
That Witty Vegan


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